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Wto Agreement on Food Safety

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) sets out rules for food safety, animal health, and plant health in international trade. The agreement aims to ensure that SPS measures are not used as unjustified barriers to trade while providing a high level of food safety.

The agreement recognizes the right of WTO members to protect human, animal, and plant life or health, but also requires that such measures are based on scientific evidence and are not discriminatory or unnecessarily restrictive.

The SPS agreement sets out three core principles for food safety measures:

1. Science-based: SPS measures must be grounded in scientific evidence to ensure they are effective in protecting human, animal, or plant health.

2. Non-discrimination: SPS measures cannot discriminate between domestic and imported products or between different countries.

3. Minimally trade restrictive: SPS measures should not create unnecessary barriers to trade, and should be designed to minimize their negative impact on international trade.

The SPS agreement also provides for cooperation and consultation among WTO members to address food safety issues. It encourages members to exchange information and cooperate on the development and implementation of SPS measures.

The WTO`s Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the SPS agreement and reviewing the effectiveness of its provisions. The committee also provides a forum for WTO members to discuss food safety issues and share information on SPS measures.

The SPS agreement has played a vital role in ensuring that international trade in food products is safe and transparent. However, challenges still remain in ensuring that SPS measures are applied consistently and based on sound science. Developing countries also face challenges in implementing effective SPS measures due to limited resources and technical capacity.

In conclusion, the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures is an essential tool for ensuring food safety in international trade. It provides a framework for countries to develop and implement effective SPS measures while minimizing their negative impact on trade. However, further efforts are required to ensure that SPS measures are based on sound science and applied consistently across countries.