Leonardo Dicaprio High-Level Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement

DiCaprio said the record attendance at the signing ceremony was a sign of hope, but he argued that sticking to the Paris Agreement would not be enough to fight climate change. The Oscar winner, who has previously spoken about climate change at the United Nations, added Hollywood stardust to the signing of the Paris Agreement to combat global warming and delivered a passionate five-minute speech in which he first quoted Abraham Lincoln and then gave real-life examples of the devastation of climate change that he had personally experienced during his travels as an ambassador for the peace at the UN. The agreement consists of a basic agreement that governs the international process and binds the parties, while some elements are not part of the legally binding agreement. These parts, such as intended nationally determined contributions, may be binding at national level. We can congratulate each other today, but it will mean nothing if you return to your countries and do not go beyond the promises of this historic agreement. Leonardo DiCaprio addressed the United Nations on April 22 at the signing ceremony of the Paris Climate Agreement in New York. He said: Yes, we have reached the Paris Agreement. Today, more countries have come together to sign this agreement than for anything else in human history – and that is reason for hope – but unfortunately, the evidence shows us that this will not be enough. “They are either praised by future generations or vilified by them,” DiCaprio said at the UN ceremony, where 171 countries lined up to sign the historic agreement.

The adoption of the agreement sends a message to the world that countries are serious about fighting climate change. It is a remarkable triumph that the 196 Parties to the Convention have reached this agreement. . As a citizen of our planet who has witnessed so much during this journey, I thank you for all you have done to lay the groundwork for a solution to this crisis, but after 21 years of debates and conferences, it is time to stop explaining the talks. No more excuses. No more 10-year studies. Fossil fuel companies will no longer be allowed to manipulate and dictate the science and policy that influence our future. It is the only organization that can do what is necessary. You who sit in this Chamber. But now it`s up to you to do what great leaders have always done: lead, inspire, and strengthen, as President Lincoln did in his time.

“We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. The ardent trial we are going through will enlighten us in honor or shame until the last generation. We will save or nobly lose the last best hope on earth. In just 5 years, the annual particulate content in Beijing`s air has dropped by 35%. What were the most important steps for this success? In his speech at the Oscars himself, Leonardo DiCaprio had made clear his intentions in terms of environmental concern, and now the Hollywood actor has called on world leaders who signed the Paris Climate Agreement on Friday to meet their commitments to reduce greenhouse gases. The actor, who won his first Oscar this year for his portrayal of a cross-border commuter in The Revenant, spoke in his role as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon`s “ambassador for peace” with a particular focus on climate change. We need to integrate climate action into efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as action is needed on the one hand and crucial to progress on the other. “A change, a massive change is needed right now, a change that leads to a new collective consciousness,” he said. Climate protection is everyone`s business.

To make it easier for you, we`ve put together a list of things you can do. You can also visit the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to learn more about the Paris Agreement and spread what you`ve learned and are doing on your social media using the hashtag #ParisAgreement. [tweetthis url=”ow.ly/ZdtS0″] I call on world leaders to ratify the #ParisAgreement on Climate Change. Now is the time to act. [/tweetthis]. High-level implementation event – Download PDF All sessions will be broadcast live webtv.un.org The Lima-Paris Programme of Action, which has produced hundreds of new commitments and initiatives, has shown that the measures needed to combat climate change are the same as for the Sustainable Development Agenda. The first thing is: demand that world leaders sign the Paris Agreement! This is crucial to put the world on the right track to reduce its carbon emissions. You can write a letter to your representative or simply make your voice heard on social media.

“The dogmas of the silent past are not enough for the stormy present. Since our case is new, we need to rethink and act again. .