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Exercise of Subject Verb Agreement Pdf

15. Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, is) Andrea`s favorite subject. Choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. 21. Committee members (leads, leads) live very differently in private. 16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a film today. 23. All CDs, including the scratched one, are in this case. 20. The Committee (debate, debate) these issues with care. 7. One of my sisters (is, are) on a trip to France.

22. The Prime Minister welcomes, greets and warmly welcomes the press with his wife. 8. The man with all the birds (alive, alive) in my street. 9. The film, including all previews, (lasts, lasts) about two hours. 5. George and Tamara (no, no) want to see this movie. 10. The players, as well as the captain, want, want) win. 19. Fifteen sweets were (were, were) in this bag.

Now there is (there, there is) only one! 2. My mother or father (is, are) come to the meeting. 4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor. .