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Example of Price Agreement

(3) Each Party shall require its employees to immediately disclose all intellectual property rights under this Agreement. Each party agrees to provide the other party with a copy of each disclosure of IP within thirty (30) days of the disclosure and will also provide the other party with a written list of all IP created under this Agreement within sixty (60) days of the expiration or termination of this Agreement. For all identified intellectual property rights, the University and the Sponsor shall, by separate written agreement, provide licenses for the University`s intellectual property, the Sponsor`s intellectual property and/or joint intellectual property in accordance with the provisions of paragraph G (2) above. Each Party shall consult with the other Party at least thirty (30) days prior to the filing of an application for an intellectual property or copyright patent and shall promptly notify the other Party of any granted patent or copyright registration. The University`s Contracting Officer must be contacted regarding all administrative aspects of this Agreement, including but not limited to changes, and is authorized to negotiate agreements and changes on behalf of the University. An agreement that covers the terms and details of an agreement between two parties. Example of chord text that is easy to customize and use. An agreement that defines the terms of payment between two parties. The sections include the payment amount, payment schedule, parties involved, etc.

A simple agreement between a company and a reference partner. The sections include the amount of the commission, the terms of payment, the sponsorship applications, etc. (13) Order of precedence: The following order of precedence, in descending order of importance, shall prevail in the event of any conflict within this Agreement (including all annexes) and/or between the text of this Agreement and all documents and/or agreements incorporated herein by reference: (i) paragraphs A to O of this Agreement; (ii) Appendix A to this Agreement; and (iii) Exhibit B of this Agreement. A simple model of agreement between a company and another company or party. The sections include confidential information, non-compete obligations, the period of the agreement, etc. The words you should use The word price is a better word than fresh because it doesn`t evoke negative feelings, just like bill instead of bill. The word agreement is preferable to the word contract, which conjures up images of litigation, lack of trust, courts and lawsuits, while the agreement has a much more positive connotation for the customer. The word allow is preferable for the same reasons and gives control to the customer. An easy-to-customize loan agreement can be used by any lender.

Sections with detailed credit terms, payment fraud and more. A user-friendly agreement that you can quickly update and customize. Includes sections for commission splitting, compensation structure, conditions, etc. Value guarantee Our work is guaranteed for the greatest pleasure of the customer. If you are not completely satisfied with the services provided by ABC, we will refund you, at XYZ`s option, the prize or accept a portion of that prize that reflects the value received from XYZ. After the final payment of your invoice, we will assess that you have been satisfied. An employment contract can be used to establish conditions between an employer and an employee. Sections with detailed terms and conditions of employment, remuneration, dismissal rights and more. An easy-to-customize agreement to protect your intellectual property. Agreements for relations with employees and contractors. A customizable agreement between an owner and a manager. Sections that list the property to be managed, the responsibilities of the manager, etc.

C. PAYMENT: The Sponsor agrees to pay the University a fixed amount of $[AMOUNT] for the provision of the Services, payable as follows: (1) fifty percent (50%) ([AMOUNT]) upon conclusion of the Agreement; (2) forty percent (40%) ($[AMOUNT]) in the middle of the project ([DATE]); and (3) ten percent (10%) ([AMOUNT]) following the substantial completion of the Services by the University (collectively, the “Total Agreement Price”). Adding one or two pricing options increases revenue by 32%, an easy-to-adjust deal between an agency and a company. Sections for territory, contract duration, exclusivity and more. Contract Agent Sponsored Programs Office Boise State University 1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83725-1135 Email: Phone: (208) 426-4420 Fax: (208) 426-1048 A fixed-price agreement is a contract between a service provider and a customer that specifies the services the contractor is willing to provide in exchange for a fixed or fixed price. This type of contract is common in government contracts where companies have to bid on projects. It is also used in the private construction industry and other service industries. In some projects, the amount of work required is difficult to predict. This may result from uncertainties about the time and materials required, or the client may want to be flexible in making additions to services once the initial work is completed. In these cases, a fixed-price agreement makes less sense because it carries more risk for the contractor. The supplier does not want to risk investing extra hours and costs in a project, so they get little or no profit from the work.

Alternatives are hourly and material billing or a fixed agreement with built-in flexibility and a price range agreed by both parties. In addition, in the event of an unforeseen need (such as, but not limited to, an audit by a tax authority, an audit or preparation of financial statements required under a financing agreement of the lender, or any other exogenous service not expected by the parties in this Agreement), ABC hereby agrees to perform such additional work at a jointly agreed price. Execute. This service will be billed to XYZ separately using a change order. A simple template for compensation agreements (also known as a harmless agreement). Sections to indemnify and hold a business or business harmless from any charge, loss or damage. Termination clause This clause also eliminates the customer`s risk and reduces the buyer`s remorse. By taking advantage of the consolidation and offering only one price for all FPA services, the question arises as to what to do if the client terminates the relationship before all services have been provided. In this case, you just have to agree on the value in relation to the payments made, and one party owes to the other. The customer already has the option to pay for what they think is the value of the service guarantee, so don`t let this detail stop you from bundling your services into a single price. .