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Dapa Agreement

Most pharmaceutical and medical supplies to the Department of Defense are sold through primary suppliers established by the Defense Logistics Agency. The DLA enters into DAPA agreements with individual manufacturers and distributors, and then allows their main sellers to distribute these items to military facilities around the world at these costs. Items sold through DAPA include: A DAPA is not a contract. This is an agreement between DLA Troop Support and the manufacturers/suppliers of the MSPV program. DaPA sets both the selling price of the products and the authority to authorize PV DLA Troop Supports to distribute the products of a DAPA holder to military and other federal customers of DLA Troop Supports. While obtaining a DAPA is a requirement for manufacturers and suppliers to deploy their medical products through DLA`s Medical/Surgical Primary Supplier Program, it is only the first step in this process. All DAPA holders are also required to sign a distribution agreement, obtain product liability coverage and market their products. Again, each of these steps is described in detail in the “DPA Made Easy” publication. WASHINGTON, DC–(Marketwired – May 27, 2015) – The U.S. Federal Contractor Registration encourages companies to register for DAPA registration to sell pharmaceutical and medical products to DLA Troop Support contractors. has just released a brand new free downloadable package that guides an entrepreneur through the distribution and pricing agreement (DAPA) sign-up process. Contractors can visit the following link to download the DAPA registration and learn more about the entire process: Please note that companies must be registered in the Rewards Management System (SAM) before registering for DAPA registration.

A Distribution and Pricing Agreement (DAPA) helps determine the selling price of medical and pharmaceutical products and gives the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) the authority to distribute the DAPA holder`s products to the military. As part of the Prime Vendor program, DPAPs are established with pharmaceutical and medical/surgical manufacturers and distributors. In accordance with the DAPA, the Contractor agrees to allow the Lead Seller to distribute its Products at the Ordering Facilities and agrees that the Primary Seller shall be charged at the same price as stated in the Contract. As part of the Prime Vendor program, distribution and pricing agreements (DPAs) are entered into with pharmaceutical and medical/surgical manufacturers and distributors. In accordance with the DAPA, the Contractor agrees to allow the Lead Seller to distribute its Products at the Ordering Facilities and agrees that the Primary Seller shall be charged at the same price as stated in the Contract. Currently, there are about 29,000 articles on DAPA for pharmaceutical items and about 118,000 articles on DAPA for medical/surgical items. A DAPA is not a contract. This is an agreement between DLA Troop Support and the manufacturers/suppliers of the MSPV program.

The DAPA determines both the selling price of the products and the authorization to authorize DLA Troop Support PVs to distribute the products of a DAPA holder to DLA Troop Support members and other federal customers. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP – an encryption tool that allows parties to exchange private and encrypted data Embedded video Available:`enregistrement des entrepreneurs fédéraux US provides technical support and assistance with DAPA registration. Businesses can call the Contractor Helpline at 877-252-2700 Ext. 1 to begin DAPA registration and win government contracts. A primary supplier is a distributor of brand-name drugs and medical consumables that are typically delivered the next day to the Department of Defense`s medical treatment facilities (and other government-funded facilities) that are customers of DLA`s primary medical/surgical program. As part of the program, DLA provides item prices that can be charged to customers. Primary sellers are remunerated by the payment of distribution fees, which constitute a contractually agreed percentage of the price of the delivered item. Prices are set independently of the main suppliers.

directly with manufacturers and suppliers through a pricing tool known as DAPA – a distribution and pricing agreement. For more details about DAPA, download the DLA publication entitled “DAPA`s Made Easy” by clicking here: DAPA`s Made Easy. also offers a page where entrepreneurs can find out if their business is eligible for government contracts. Simply answer the 7 simple questions and you will be contacted by a specialist in acquiring the registration of US federal contractors shortly after. Government Contracting Tips is even discussing ways to get involved in a GSA calendar and strategies on how to start marketing to federal agencies across the country. The site even includes the SAM Support Program, a segment on the YouTube page of the registration of U.S. federal contractors. cXML – encrypted files sent to the seller via an email client, or the Georgia Tech Procurement Assistance Center (GTPAC) warns our customers to be cautious when approached by third parties who charge fees for various government registrations. ECAT automates the procurement cycle and offers buyers several valuable features, including: Our federal consultants can help you determine if your products can be listed on FedMall and help you list them. For medical products and consumables, defense logistics agency ECAT or DAPA contracts help you access DoD buyers. This program is designed to allow prePAC suppliers to offer their products through photovoltaics at competitive prices. Each PREPAC contains all pre-selected consumables necessary for a particular medical procedure (excluding medications) in a “single bag”.

PREPCs can only be ordered by the MTF for which they were designed. These DPAs ARE intended for medical devices that are durable, repairable, portable and/or often require some type of power source (para. B example, battery, power supply, etc.). Capital goods are not included. These products include infusion pumps, suction devices, pulse dosimeters, examination tables, hospital carts, etc. Currently, FedMall will offer government buyers an optimized process to order commercial items below the $10,000 micro-purchase threshold with the Government Acquisition Card (DPG). Shortly after its launch, it will expand the offer to items up to the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000 for most items). [Updated January 1, 2018] ECAT offers convenient purchases from local suppliers and the benefits of volume pricing, and integrates with DOD materials management systems. . includes Allocation Management System (Registration, CCR/ORCA migration to SAM, Simplified Acquisition Contracts, FedBizOpps (FBO), Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS), Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS), GSA calendar information, government-wide procurement programs, multiple allocation schedules, NAICS codes, BINCS, tender basics, Extended Workflow (WAWF), government billing, outsourcing, FEMA contracts, and government marketing strategies. The DAPA registration process can be confusing, time-consuming and frustrating.

It can take up to 6 months or more to complete a DAPA registration. The USFCR typically receives DPAPs that are submitted for 2 months, and then it takes approximately 30 days for the DLA to review the submission. Not all DAPA holders work directly with the DLA. Some are placed in subcontracts with a prime contractor for sales to the DLA. Components of the DoD and other federal agencies can order medical products and consumables through ECAT`s online ordering system. It covers many types of medical/surgical and pharmaceutical consumables and shelf life products, including: This program is designed to enable PREPAC suppliers to offer their products at competitive prices across the PV. Each PREPAC contains all pre-selected consumables necessary for a particular medical procedure (excluding medications) in a “single bag”. PREPCs can only be ordered by the MTF for which they were designed. Since the system is limited to items and orders below the $3,500 threshold, a supplier does not need another government contract to list their products here, as was the case in the DoD EMall. This will change in Phase 2 of the FedMall deployment as the threshold increases. For suppliers of medical equipment and accessories, the Defense Logistics Agency has two indispensable supply vehicles. For many suppliers, fedMall of the DOD can be a lucrative outlet for your products, increase sales, and provide an additional outlet beyond your GSA contract.

EMall of the DoD was replaced by FedMall in June 2017. If you need help with any of these steps, please do not hesitate to contact one of GTPAC`s procurement advisors. All our contact details can be found here: GTPAC supports any company in Georgia in awarding free government contracts. .