Dog Walker Service Agreement

The main purpose of a key manipulation or lock box form is to clearly describe what happens to the key after it is used. Will you keep the key for future services? Is there a fee to return the key to a customer? As with most other details of the service, it is best to arrange everything in advance so that the risk of confusion or misunderstanding is less late. And finally, be sure to include some rules for cancellations in the contract. What happens if a customer cancels your services at the last minute? This could leave you with empty time that could have been filled with other customers. Would you like to include a cancellation fee in your agreement? Many professional dog walkers like to take photos or videos of their walk to share on social media. This is a great way to show customers the service you can provide. And while this is unlikely to be a problem, it`s worth getting permission from the dog`s owner before posting on Facebook or Twitter. As a dog walker, it`s important to know what your customers expect from you. While a written contract between your business and your customers is not a requirement, it can be of great benefit to the operation of your business.

When starting a dog walking business, it is important to create a dog walking service contract and ask each customer to fill it out. By hiring a professional dog handler, you can take care of your pet`s needs if you are not available for it. A well-constructed agreement protects both the owner and the hiker and ensures that each party understands their rights and obligations in the agreement. If you are a hiker, this form ensures that you get all the information you need to take care of the dog in your care. If you are a homeowner, this document offers the peace of mind that your dog will receive the care and attention he deserves. Once a lawyer has helped you conclude your dog gang contract, you need a way for clients to sign the agreement. When you use Time To Pet, we provide you with an easy way to add your contracts and capture an electronic signature for those agreements. This is called a portal policy, and after you enable the policy and add your agreement, you can ask all new customers to review and re-sign the document. You can also ask all existing customers to review and sign the document electronically. When you make changes to the agreement, you can choose whether or not you want your customers to re-sign the agreement.

If you ever need to print the contract, you can also download a PDF file for each customer who signed the contract. If your business revolves around activities that may involve even a minor breach, consider using a harmless agreement. Find out how AHHs can protect you from liability. The customer may terminate this contract in writing by registered mail or e-mail. The customer undertakes to report the cancellation at least 24 hours before the dog`s planned walk. If the customer cancels the services within 24 hours before the dog`s scheduled walk, the customer agrees to pay 50% of the fees provided for these services to the walker. Here`s what we suggest you include in your agreement. We get a lot of questions when it comes to creating a dog walking contract for your clients. While it`s not the funniest thing to work on, your dog walking contract is essential when providing services to customers and their pets. It is necessary to speak to a lawyer when drafting your contracts to ensure that all legal regulations and responsibilities are met. These vary from business to business depending on location, business, services offered and many other factors.

For this reason, it is always best to work with a professional when creating legal documents. The table above describes the cost of dog walking based on the hours at which the services are provided. The Customer undertakes to pay these fees by credit or debit card within 24 hours of the provision of the Services. Dogs (like humans) need attention and exercise to thrive. In the modern world, people work long hours and cannot give their dogs the attention they need when and where they need it. Dog walkers can help take care of high-energy dogs or puppies and meet their needs on a regular basis. The attached contract can be a good starting point for your negotiations. The owner and hiker should continue to discuss the terms of the agreement and clarify questions about service obligations and payment. Once you have accepted the terms of the contract and signed the attached form, you can be sure that you have reached an agreement to protect the interests of both parties – and also those of the dog. CONSIDERING that the Customer wishes to engage the Walker and that the Walker undertakes to provide services in accordance with the full conditions of this Model Dog Walking Contract.

The service contract is the main element of your dog walking contract. The service contract describes all the services you provide to a customer. You will clearly describe what you will offer for each dog walk. For example, it can be an easy visit, a 30-minute walk, a hike, a run, or an overnight stay if that`s a service you want to offer. The service contract clearly defines what a customer can expect from your dog walk. It will also detail your conditions and policies. Each customer must agree to your terms and policies before you provide services to them. The following deployment instructions will help you understand the terms of your contract. The following figures (e.B. Section 1, Section 2, etc.) conform to the provisions of the form. Please review the entire document before starting the step-by-step process.

You don`t need to include legal jargon in your agreement, it`s just worth covering all the basics. If things that were included in the contract go wrong, it does not necessarily mean that you are exempt from any legal liability. That`s why it`s always important to take out proper dogwalk insurance. With a blanket, you are protected if the dog is injured, lost or injured by someone else or their dog. A comprehensive dog walking contract can be invaluable in protecting your dog walking business. Read on to learn more about why a dog walking agreement is important and what you should consider in the agreement you are using. Time To Pet has also created a sample key manipulation form to give you an idea of where to start. Just like the service agreement and veterinary approval, your final forms should all be reviewed by a lawyer. The hiker undertakes to carry out dog walks in a professional and reliable manner and to take care to treat the listed pets with respect and care at all times. It is always recommended to meet a dog before accepting a walk. In this way, as an animal keeper, you can get to know the animal and its likes and dislikes.

While this is a good thing, it is still worth having this information on paper beforehand in the march agreement. The Walker may terminate this Agreement in the same manner as the Customer. If the walker cancels the service within the 24-hour window before a planned dog walk, the walker will lose the full fee for that service. We have an example of a payment authorization form to check. As with all of our model agreements, this is for educational purposes only. Please ask your lawyer to review all your contracts and agreements before finalizing these documents. The idea of drafting a contract can be daunting. In truth, however, you don`t need to be a legal expert to enter into a dog walking agreement between you and your client.

Some standard service contract policies include payment terms, late payment fees, cancellation fees, vaccination requests, who is responsible for damages or medical expenses, emergency policies, etc. We have attached a sample service contract that you can view. Although your service contract is different; This is just one example to give you an idea of where to start. With all the different moving parts of life, you need to be adaptable. There will always be occasional cancellations for your dog`s walk – sometimes at the last minute. While this isn`t a big deal, you need to make sure you have a policy in place so there are no questions or confusion about what should happen if a customer has to cancel. It is important that you are always compensated for your time and expenses if they cancel at the last minute. 1. Overview Pets (like humans) feel more comfortable in their own four walls. If you`re on a business trip or vacation, it`s important to make sure your absence is as stress-free as possible for your pet. Making sure your pets are in a familiar environment, with a stable diet and exercise routine, is a safe and healthy way to allay their fears.

It`s not hard to get paid by your LLC, you just need to know the right path and the impact of your decisions. In this section of the contract, document the dog`s name and breed, as well as any medical conditions it may have. Have him in writing if he is taking medication so that you have him on hand in case of emergency. .