Coursework Extension Form Dmu

The course is assessed by means of a three-hour course and exam with the following weightings: Interruption means that your enrollment will be suspended, so you will not be considered a registered student for the duration of the interruption. This means you won`t be charged any fees, won`t be able to attend classes or use facilities such as the library or computer suites, and you won`t be able to submit assignments. The interruption must be formally approved by the program manager and a form must be completed and signed by you. At the time of the agreement of the interruption, the date of the beginning of the interruption and the date of return must be clarified. Before agreeing to an interruption, it is recommended that you discuss the impact with a USD advisor, as this could affect your finances and accommodations in ways you have not considered. Evidence from third parties must clearly demonstrate how the extenuating circumstances affected your ability to complete the assessment or courses. All students will be notified of a Blackboard announcement when assessing their grade. It is highly recommended that you discuss your written or, in some cases, audio comments with your module manager if you have any questions or concerns. Modules assessed in whole or in part by the exam may include general feedback on exam performance provided by Blackboard. Only the chair of the committee will read the confidential evidence. It will inform the Committee that confidential evidence has been submitted and comment on its seriousness and relevance. The Academic Committee, which reviews requests for postponement of formal assessments, meets three times per meeting. The deadlines for receipt of deferral forms by the Student Advisory Service are listed below.

These deadlines are strictly enforced; Forms will no longer be accepted after these dates. Please make sure to keep a copy of the form for your reference. and academic research manuscripts), classroom workshops, tutorials and assigned exercises, as well as formative assessment (group work). If your situation is such that a 14-day extension would not be sufficient, or if you believe that your performance in any part of the course has been severely impaired despite an extension of up to 14 days, you can formally ask your faculty committee to postpone course evaluation. This application must be completed before the end of the 14-day extension period. You must complete the appropriate form, which is available from the Faculty`s Student Advisory Service, and provide proof. Forms must be submitted to the Faculty`s Student Advisory Service. Further information on the postponement policy can be found at: The faculty commits to a processing time of 20 days for the grading and return of courses. Processing time does not include weekends, statutory holidays or university closing days. Students can request an extension of a deadline for academic achievements using the application form for the extension of academic achievements. The request must be sent to the module manager before the deadline.

The module leader has the discretion to grant an extension of up to 10 academic business days. If it is not possible to include third-party evidence when submitting your exam deferral form, the forms must be submitted by the deadline with a note that supporting evidence will follow. Evidence must be submitted prior to the publication of the results of the assessment. Evidence submitted after the publication of the results of the evaluation will not be accepted as the deferral process has been completed. Self-certification should only be used if you have missed or will immediately miss an exam, course, or assignment deadline due to an unforeseen short-term illness. It is your responsibility to formally indicate the reason for the absence from your exam or the non-submission of your assignment. No additional proof is required, provided that the request for postponement is duly completed and submitted within the applicable deadline. It is important that you provide as much detail as possible so that a decision can be made. Information on the granting of extensions and certificates can be found in Annex 3 of Study Regulation 2021/22.

It is generally in your own interest that your extenuating circumstances be discussed by the entire panel; However, if your supporting documents are exceptionally sensitive or of a personal nature, they may only be consulted at your request by the Chairman of the Panel. To do this, you must place the evidence in a sealed envelope with the inscription “confidential: from (your name)”, addressed to the chair of the panel. You will then need to attach the envelope to the form. If an extension of the deadline is approved, the module lead signs the completed extension form and confirms the revised deadline. The student must submit this form with his/her courses. If your situation is such that an extension of 10 academic business days would not be sufficient, or if you believe that despite an extension of up to 10 academic jobs, your performance in a course has been seriously impaired, the Vice-Dean (Academics) or the candidate may exceptionally approve longer extensions. If this is not enough for your situation, you can formally submit a request for postponement to your faculty committee. You must complete the following deferral form and provide the supporting documents. Forms must be submitted to your student counselling centre. The University is aware that it is not always possible or appropriate to request an appointment or contact your GP for short-term illnesses. In such circumstances, self-certification is appropriate. Note that during a registration period (usually 3 years), you can only self-certify once for exam postponements and once for course postponement.

This will improve the chances that a request will be accepted if the following information can be included in each doctor`s letter. We can help you with advice on delays, improvements and applications for extenuating circumstances. We can review your form, give you advice on your testimony, and tell you what type of evidence to submit. You must attach any written evidence you have in support of your case to your form. Make sure the documents you attach are relevant and crucial to your case. The university`s rules allow you to ask for more time for your deadlines, whether it`s an extension of classes or an exam postponement, but you`ll need to do so before it`s too late. Course deadlines vary by course, school, and faculty, so it`s best to check with your pedagogical counseling center. Transform the lives of our global community of students, staff and partners through outstanding education and research Go beyond the usual business by promoting creative, distinctive and revolutionary solutions to real-world problems Promote the common good through critical analysis of the company`s purpose and active engagement in initiatives to combat the economy, Social and community challenges research students, affected by personal circumstances, should follow the procedures for renewing or interrupting enrolment provided for in the Research Regulation. Remember that extenuating circumstances in themselves do not excuse poor performance. Through our unparalleled commitment to the common good and transformative science, we will position ourselves as the definition of a 21st century global business school. For exam postponements, you can inquire at the reception of the academic and student services of the Gateway House. You will be notified by email or letter.

The university has a multitude of student support services; For more information, contact the Student Gateway, faculty counseling centers, library and learning services, and most importantly, your personal tutor. If you have difficulties with your exams and/or deadlines, please seek help as soon as possible so that appropriate support and guidance can be identified and set up for you. For more information, see the Healthy DMU pages. The form may need to be accompanied by a supporting statement with additional details. There`s room to write a few lines on the form, but you`re more likely to be approved if you provide complete information, so don`t leave anything important aside and write “See supporting statement” if there isn`t enough space. A useful template can be found here. Proof of the circumstances that affect you is essential. If this is not yet available, be sure to submit your application in a timely manner with a note that the evidence will follow. Original documents are preferred. There is no such thing as a “retrospective carry-over”. Requests for deferral must be submitted no later than 10 business days after the date of the review or the deadline for submission of the evaluation (including, where applicable, approved extensions).

For more information on extensions, please contact your Faculty of Student Counselling. Note: All courses must be submitted electronically via Turnitin on time, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Information on penalties and late submissions can be found at: For postgraduate assessments and undergraduate assessments that are outside the main formal assessment periods (May/August), the deadline for applications is 10 working days from the university from the date of the relevant examination/assessment. .