Contract Papers Seller`s Solicitors

We bought a rental apartment with an 81 year lease 5 years ago – our lawyer did not mention anything about the need to renew the lease as soon as possible. Do they – the lawyer – have any responsibility under our contract for the transfer? • You have received the investigation report and are satisfied with it• You have received your formal mortgage offer and you are satisfied with it• The deposit amount has been agreed and you have the money available• You have taken out life and property insurance and these are ready to start after completion• The completion date has been agreed with all parties• The terms of the contract have been reviewed and concluded by all parties involved Hello. I wonder if someone can help me. I recently purchased a property and the completion date was July 11, 2014. It was a cash purchase and there was no mortgage involved. However, it has been 2 months and still the property has not been registered in my name. I keep going to the lawyers and he tells me to be patient with him every 2 days because the seller`s mortgage company, Sainsburys Bank, does not release any tge fees. My lawyer says it could take 6 to 12 months and can`t give me a definitive answer. What can I do? Does it usually take that long? My lawyer also threatens to exclude me from his office because I keep asking for updates! The formal mortgage offer for that particular property you receive at this point is different from a basic agreement (which you should have asked for earlier).

At that time, you must also have received your survey results if you have conducted a survey and accepted those results. If you are not satisfied with the results of the survey, you need to solve all the problems at this stage, not after the exchange of contracts, if you are legally obliged to buy the house. Make sure that both parties have agreed on all the terms of the contract and that any disagreement or unclear issue has been resolved. Once the sellers have accepted your offer, exchange the lawyers` data with them. Your lawyer will then contact the seller`s lawyer and receive the draft contract. Our buying lawyers made us wait 6 hours with 3 men and a van cost £74 an hour, they kept our money in their account without telling our lawyers it had been seen! It makes the whole chain wait, not just us. Are they breaking rules and regulations, shouldn`t funds be transferred immediately? In order not to cause waiting times and extra costs for the chain for moves etc., we just managed to get the keys in just a few minutes! Thanks to them. Can I claim something, which is additional moving expenses, interest on my money that has been in their account longer than it should have been? Thank you very much. Your lawyer receives and negotiates the draft contract 10. Your lawyer will then amend the draft final statement that was sent to you along with the contract report to include all fees owed to the seller`s lawyers, and it will be sent to you so that you know how much money you need to provide to your lawyer to complete your purchase.

These include expenses incurred by your lawyer (called payments such as research fees), attorneys` fees, deposits already paid, money received from your mortgage company, registration fees, and stamp duties. You must ensure that the full balances are received to your lawyer`s bank account in free funds no later than the business day prior to completion. There is often a lot of correspondence between the two lawyers, so it may take some time to finalize the draft contract. Make sure your lawyer is aware of any agreements you have made with the seller. We bought a house with off-road parking and asked about the case, which our lawyer said the search yielded nothing and the sellers agreed to take out liability insurance “if something went wrong.” Since then, our advice has told us that it is an “illegal” intersection, so we cannot use our reader, which is the main reason why we bought it. The lawyers have since been taken over. Can I sue the property transfer attorney for negligence because we would not have bought the house if it had not had off-street parking. Can I charge them for the work to make the crossing legal? Hello, I have a question, we are in the process of buying a property and although we started the process at the beginning of February, it is not yet finished until today (May 14th). We requested a statute and our lawyers were advised by the seller`s lawyers that “we are still waiting for our client`s instructions to reference the revised rental plan”.

I`m a little lost, does that mean the seller didn`t ask his lawyer to proceed with the sale? I don`t understand why it takes so long. .