Boeing Consent Agreement

The Department obtained this solution with Boeing based on a number of factors, including the nature and severity of the criminal conduct; Boeing`s failure to disclose misconduct to the Department in a timely and voluntary manner; and Boeing`s history, including a 2015 FAA civil settlement agreement related to safety and quality issues related to Boeing`s Commercial Aircraft (BCA) business unit. Although Boeing`s collaboration ultimately included the voluntary and proactive identification of potentially important documents and Boeing witnesses to the fraud division and the voluntary organization of detailed evidence for Boeing, this cooperation was delayed and only began after the first six months of the fraud division`s investigation, in which Boeing`s response thwarted the Fraud Division`s investigation. The consent agreement between the companies and the State Department provides for a civil penalty of $32 million, including $4 million for companies` past spending to improve the export program and $8 million invested by companies in the future to strengthen their export compliance programs. Under the terms of the agreement, the cash portion of the $20 million fine will be paid in eight equal instalments over the next seven years. In addition, Hughes and Boeing Satellite Systems will each designate a separate third party to serve as the Special Compliance Officer (SCO) for export compliance. The tasks of the SCO include monitoring compliance with the Consent Agreement and controlling exports regulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially exports to the People`s Republic of China and several other countries. We are pleased that an agreement has been reached with the U.S. government to resolve this issue. Hughes Electronics Corporation and The Boeing Company have long worked with the U.S. government to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of valuable national security information and technical data to foreign individuals. In addition, we recognize that it is essential for U.S. security and foreign policy to prevent the unauthorized provision of protected information or defense services that would or could promote the illegal development of missile systems technology. Santa Susana is divided into four administrative areas that reflect the previous operation, the current ownership and the responsibility for cleaning.

Boeing owns most of the property; The U.S. government owns a portion managed by NASA, and the U.S. Department of Energy has leased portions of Boeing. In 2007, the three parties signed a comprehensive remediation agreement with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). Do not use this website as a means of transmitting information that you consider to be protected by copyright. Confidential and proprietary information should only be transmitted in connection with Boeing sites that expressly authorize and ensure its receipt and protection. Except as expressly provided in the Terms of Use for your transactions with a Boeing website or in a written agreement with Boeing that applies to your specific use of a Boeing website, any submission of materials by you will be considered a contribution to Boeing for future use in its sole discretion, regardless of any exclusive claim or reservation noted in the submission. Therefore, you agree that all materials, including but not limited to questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, original or creative materials or other information provided by you in the form of emails or submissions to Boeing or postings on this website, are not confidential (subject to Boeing`s Privacy Policy) and are the exclusive property of Boeing. Boeing owns the exclusive rights, including all intellectual property rights, and has the right to use such materials without restriction for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you.

The submission of materials to Boeing, including posting materials in a forum or interactive area, irrevocably waives all “moral rights” in such materials, including rights of authorship and integrity. Boeing, a U.S.-based multinational that designs, manufactures and sells commercial aircraft to airlines around the world, has entered into a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) as part of a criminal complaint filed today in the North District of Texas. Criminal information accuses the company of conspiring to defraud the United States. Under the terms of the dpa, Boeing will pay a criminal total of more than $2.5 billion, including a criminal fine of $243.6 million, $1.77 billion in compensation payments to customers of Boeing`s 737 MAX airlines and the creation of a $500 million accident relief fund to compensate heirs, the parents and legal beneficiaries of the 346 passengers. who were killed in the Boeing 737 MAX crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian. Airline Flight 302. The Department ultimately determined that independent compliance monitoring was not required due to, among other things, the following factors: (i) misconduct was not pervasive throughout the organization, nor was it performed by a large number of employees or facilitated by senior management; (ii) although two of boeing`s 737 MAX flight engineers deceived the FAA`s AEG about MCAS with misleading statements, half-truths and omissions, other Boeing members conveyed the expanded scope of the mcAS to various FAA personnel responsible for determining whether the 737 MAX met U.S. federal airworthiness standards; (iii) the status of Boeing`s improvements to its compliance program and internal controls; and (iv) Boeing`s approval of improved reporting requirements for compliance programs, as described above. All copyrighted and copyrighted materials on this website, including but not limited to design, text, graphics, images, sound files and other files, as well as their selection and arrangement (“Materials”) are protected by copyright, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, by Boeing and/or third party licensors. Except as otherwise provided herein, none of the Materials may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, displayed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Boeing or the applicable copyright holder, including, but not limited to, photocopiers, recordings or the like.

Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download the material on this website solely for personal, non-commercial and informational use; provided that you may not copy, publish or publish (a) any material on a computer network or in broadcast or publication media, (b) modify the material and (c) remove or modify any copyright and other proprietary notices in the material without the permission of Boeing or the applicable copyright holder. Before uploading or copying photos or images from Image Gallery, you must agree to the Terms and Conditions of Personal and Non-Commercial Use of Images. Any request for a commercial license for Boeing`s copyrighted material requires prior authorization and should be directed to Boeing Copyright Licensing employees at SPECIAL NOTE ON BOEING CONNECTED SITES.In efforts to make online information about Boeing and business transactions with Boeing efficient, Boeing uses as an introduction to many websites and connected websites operated by Boeing and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the “Boeing Websites”). Please note that each Boeing site may adopt terms of use specific to the purpose of the Boeing website or transactions made on the Boeing website. For example, some of Boeing`s websites associated with business transactions that you or your company may have with Boeing, including but not limited to those that are password protected or subscription-based, may have different terms or separate agreements that supplement or replace these Terms. If a Boeing website has imposed its own terms of use by posting a separate agreement or otherwise on the Boeing website, the provisions of these terms for the Boeing website shall prevail in the event of any conflict with these terms and conditions of use for Unless supplemented or replaced as described herein, these Terms of Use apply to the entire network of Boeing Sites and control your use. “We continue to mourn with the families, loved ones and friends of the 346 people who died on Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. Today`s deferred enforcement agreement with The Boeing Company is the result of the OIG`s dedicated work with our law enforcement and enforcement partners,” said Andrea M.

Kropf, Special Agent in charge of the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation (DOT-OIG) Midwest Region. “This historic procrastination agreement on deferred prosecutions will forever serve as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of safety in the commercial aviation industry and that integrity and transparency must never be sacrificed for efficiency or profit.” Boeing`s copyright agent to notify claims of copyright infringement on this website is David Weitz, who can be contacted as follows: Wendy ManningThe Boeing Company100 N. . . .